Sunday, April 1, 2012

Journal Entry: 04/01/2012 - Magna Cum Update

Well it's been a while since I've written.  Not because there has been no news, but because I've been busy or lazy. :-)  I'll try and provided a run down of the events in the order they happened.  Anyway, the news.......

Well now that the higher ups on the base were in the loop, it was time to tell my colleagues.  I got most of them in a weekly staff meeting and the few others individually in the day or two following.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore but I continue to be humbled by the outpouring of support I receive and again am thrilled about the concern for my wife.

So, last time I had told my friend, Michelle, a Major in the AF Surgeon General's office about my transition.  Well I was next able to track down her boss, an active duty friend of many years, on business in England.  I told her pretty much the same story I've told everyone, letting her know that in the past year I have come to understand something I had struggled with my whole life and I now know that I am transsexual and embrace my female self.  Like all of the others she listened, responded with undying support, commended my courage and asked about my wife.....once again, another step and all was still right with the world.

Next was Michelle's boss, a Lt Colonel, who I have also known for years.  It took a couple of days of phone tag but I finally got her at her home in San Antonio.  Same conversation, same result.  Extremely supportive, commended my courage and asked about my wife.  Seems most of the hard work was done.

Well back to work the following week, waiting to hear about a court date.  I had been told the background check takes about a week so I waited impatiently through the week of the 19th of March and finally broke down and called on Friday the 23rd.  I was able to learn that my background check was done the day after the fingerprints were taken but there is not system to let me know.  It's up to me to check with the clerk.  So I anxiously called the Judge's chambers as I had been instructed, my heart beating a mile a minute, just knowing I was about to get a court date.....another majorly important date in my young life as a girl.  I say girl and not woman thought because I am indeed going through puberty and feel more like a girl than a woman.  Anyway, onto the call.  Bam! The clerk was out of the office until the following Tuesday, the 27th.  I had a trip to DC, leaving on the 28th and I wanted my date before I left.  It took several tries of still getting the voicemail of the clerk stating she was out of the office until Tuesday....which was today, but eventually I got through.  We had a pleasant conversation, I told her why I was changing my name (probably to get a read on whether I was the judge's first such case) but she didn't flinch and we chatted for several minutes as she brought up his calendar.  I was expecting a couple of months wait, hoping to make it by my birthday in June so my next driver's license would have Laura's name on it.  Well imagine my surprise when she offered April 18th!  Three short weeks from tomorrow.  I excitedly accepted and nearly burst out of my office to tell my colleagues.  Wow!  Wow!  Wow!  I've got a lot to do to get ready....surely there must be somethings to do.  Oh yes, get the last bit of paperwork together, look over the list of those who need to know I changed my name so they can change me in their systems, and shop for work clothes!  I have a decent selection of weekend clothes but not work clothes.

Did I forget to mention I had my first mammogram?  Yup, another milestone, Mar 23rd.  Gratefully it came back normal.

Well now time to relax before work...oh yes....I did go clothes (window) shopping.  Well I did try on several items in a woman's dept sure gets hot in those dressing rooms, but didn't buy anything.  I went home and looked through what I had and what my wife would be willing to let me wear of hers, that fit.  We are similar bottom sizes but I am bigger through the chest.  Well I found a few decent choices and then she told my I could have this pinstripe pantsuit with a matching vest, as I had become too big for her.  That pants fit comfortable and I could button the vest over a nice ruffle white blouse, though it was tight.  It was going to be my court outfit.  I kissed her and thanked her for her generosity.

Well I didn't think I had this much to write.  Oh, one more thing.  I'm doing with my breastforms.  I have no doubt I've developed some breast tissue.  Maybe only AA not but with the firm B cup forms, I looked too big and perky.  With my natural breasts and a b cup push up bra I do just fine.  :-)

Ok, enough now...time to chill.

I am sincerely,

Laura Catherine